„Szabó Klára Petra is drawn to the imagery found in Japanese Manga and Super Hero culture. In this series of works, she has combined ready- made Japanese motifs and characters with images of fellow artist, Noriyo Yoshida. The works are painted in great detail. They are precisely executed, in water colour paints and pencils. She has used collage, against a background of  ’Yuzen’ washi, to communicate the connection that she has found with Japan. She has apparently discovered an affinity with both the fictional and factual inhabitants of the country. Klára’s trans-cultural mixture can be read like a visual record of her time on the Residency; its origins can be found in the works of Van Gogh and the Ukiyoe genre.”

Yoshiro Igarashi /Art director, Mino AIR program/
Mino Washi Paper Museum: AIR Mino exhibition, Japan: